Quantum Physics By Hc Verma free pdf download


Quantum Physics by H.C. Verma

Download Free Quantum Quantum Physics latest Edition eBook By Hc Verma  in PDF Format

Book Name: Quantum Physics

Book Author: Hc Verma

Book Publisher : Surya Publications, 2009

Edition: 2nd 

Language: English

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The guiding principle in writing this book had been to let the reader feel the excitement of understanding the new way of looking at the nature and correlate with the events occurring around. this book is presume to be the first exposition of quantum physics for the reader after the XII level treatment of topics like Bohr's model of hydrogen atom, photoelectric effect, radioactivity etc. The treatment is based on sound mathematical formulation but the physical insight is not allowed to get lost in mathematical complexities. Relatively less common mathematical tools, especially operator algebra and related concepts like eigenvalue equations etc ., are developed in detail before making use of them. I have made an effort to tell about the use of the theory developed in applications to physical phenomena in order to create an attachment towards the subject. That is why the title is Quantum Physics and not just Quantum mechanics.

The structure of the chapters includes the Text, Solved Problems and Exercises. A section called You learned in this chapter' after the text in each chapter gives the summary of the key concepts discussed in that chapter. The exercise questions at the end of a chapter are generally short and given to sharpen the understanding of the topics learned in the chapter and not to load the reader. In some of the chapters a section called 'Postscript' is appended which may be treated as an extension of the ideas dealt in that chapter. The Postscript material is generally not used in the later chapters and hence the completeness or continuity of the book is not affected if the Postscripts are left out in the first reading.

Though the book is written for any person having interest in Physics and looking for a learning material on quantum physics, it can be used as a textbook for a 40-50 hour course on basics quantum mechanics and applications.
This Book contain following chapters :
  1. New lessons from Young slit double experiment
  2. Rules for measurements -lessons from polarized light
  3. Material particals also need wave description
  4. Position and linear momentum of partical 
  5. Heisenberg uncertainty principle
  6.  And many more

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